Sunday, March 24, 2019

Long Island SEO: How To Handle The 3 Biggest Website Criticisms

By Arthur Williams

No matter how proud you may be of your company's website, this doesn't take away from the possibility of improvement. Anyone that works in Long Island SEO will tell you that if a site isn't expertly designed, it will stand a lesser chance of ranking. Ergo, you'll reach fewer people. When it comes to the complaints that the average user would have about a website, here are the 3 most common ones, and now they should be addressed.

"It takes too long to navigate your site." Slow performance can have a severe impact on SEO, so it's important to address this problem as soon as possible. Potential causes for slow performance include, but aren't limited to, an overreliance on high-resolution content like videos and excessive plugins. By minimizing these wherever possible - and reputable names in marketing like will agree - your website will perform faster.

"I can't find the information I need." Navigation is another common website complaint that should be addressed. Some of the best websites have few pages, which is ideal in the sense that it minimizes the amount of time a user will take moving from one section to the next. The less a user needs to navigate, the easier it will be for them to find the information that they need. In other words, streamline this process as much as you can.

"My mobile device makes the website difficult to use." If this is the case, responsive web design may be the solution. For those that don't know, this practice allows a website to be easily accessed and used across different devices, including smartphones and tablets. Search engines place more emphasis on responsive websites, so it makes perfect sense for business owners to account for different platforms. The SEO results that they stand to gain will be nothing short of remarkable.

As you can see, there are quite a few criticisms that a user would have regarding a website that they visit. They should expect a smooth experience, whether the goal is to find information, make a purchase, or sign up for a newsletter. Web design plays a pivotal role in the business world, especially as more and more people rely on their smartphones for day-to-day life. Don't overlook these criticisms; they could make all the difference for your site.

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