Sunday, April 7, 2013

How To Prevent Webpage Design Mistakes for Your Business Site

By Lina Fang

The layout, design and style of your website has a lot to do with the overall impression people have of you and your business. People that visit your website the first time will tend to judge it based on the how it's designed; other factors such as the content and the sales message of your site will come later. What follows are some key points that will enable you to design your website in a way that will make the right impression on your visitors.

Good and Great Graphics: Inconsistency is bad; be sure to make all of your graphics the right sizes and definitions. This can help you raise the optimization of your website so that it performs well and stands out from the crowd. The simple truth is that web pages that are filled with good graphics and are consistent are easier to load. When your graphics are good your website is good and that helps it work perfectly no matter what browser is viewing it. Images that have been well sized reduce the workload of your web browser and makes the loading time better.

Make sure you have RSS Auto-Discovery: If you offer an RSS feed of your website's content (which you should be doing), be sure that you have an auto-discovery code in your website's header. This will let all of the different web browsers and RSS readers detect your feed automatically and let people know that it is there for them. RSS feeds are a wonderful way to alert readers and tell them about any changes that you make on your site; this one little feature can make a major difference in how things run for you.

Add a Favicon: Web design often comes down to paying attention to lots of details, and one of these you should add is what's known as a favicon. A favicon immediately gives your website a more professional look. This gives you a chance to display a customized icon in the URL box, making your site unique. Besides that, the Favicon will also show up when somebody bookmarks your page, which adds to professionalism of your website and makes a good impression on the end user.

Why a Favicon is Important: "Favorite icons" or favicons are a simple feature that can really add to the overall quality of your site. Adding a favicon to your website instantly makes it look credible and more recognizable. With this feature, when your site's URL comes up, your own logo will also appear. Whenever anyone bookmarks your site, the favicon will also appear, so you'll be able to make a special impression on people with this image. You will design your site and then perhaps keep refining it as time goes on. What you do and how you handle it is your business, but just keep in mind that your visitors and market are the only people you need to please.

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