Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Custom Website Development Tips For A Faster Site

By Camille Nicholson

It is certainly a good idea for people to pay attention to his custom website development. With this, he can easily create a site that will be useful for the business. He can easily reach the far corners of the earth because of the help of the Internet. This will certainly become beneficial for him in terms or marketing the business.

There are lots of tips that the person should check when it comes to developing a site. Since this is personalized, he should know the basics so that his site will not look like it is too unprofessional. He might be creative but there are some dos and don'ts int his kind of transaction.

The first thing that one has to consider when he wants to develop a faster site is the use of flash. If possible, he should limit the number of flash animation he will embed in the site. The flash is one of the many things in the site that makes it load slower, especially when there are lots of them placed in there.

It is highly recommended to make use of images but he should know when to allow big images in it and when the limit the number. Web design is not mainly about pictures and graphics. He will also have to focus on the texts on the site. When he is making use of images, make sure that it is compressed to reduce load time.

Be sure to clean up the code. When compared to graphic text, the HTML text is much faster to load. However, there are still methods he can use to make it even faster. That is to say he should watch for any extra coding lines, unnecessary tags, white spaces, and such in the HTML code. This will increase the size of the files, making it take a long time to completely load.

The thumbnails are helpful for the person as well. With the thumbnails he can make the image smaller. It is then up to the visitors whether they will click on the image and view it in its larger version. By making use of the thumbnails, he can help in optimizing the load time necessary for the said site.

It is also necessary for him to switch over to CSS. This is actually a good way of organizing the code that he has. More than that, he should see this as an alternative for the use of the table layout. When he has this, he can easily save up on the time needed to develop the said site. This also reduces the visitor's download time.

There is a need for him to reduce the server requests. If there are elements in the design that loads from a different server, an HTTP request is being elicited. He should create a site that limits external content as this reduces load time as well.

Pay close attention to the size of the page. The page size that is ideal for this purpose is around 30kb. Following to this tip, will surely help in his business' custom website development and assist in the creation of a fast-loading site.

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