Monday, April 15, 2013

Concept of Intuitive Website Design

By Lanney Chong

What is meant by 'Good' and 'Bad' Website Design? It does not have any absolute standard on it, how should we create a web page with excellent design? It is just not too complicated, since we will get powerful ways to make it. Are you aware of Apple? Yes, you actually heard iPhone, iMac or iPod. I point out about Apple, since we need to learn the design concept from Apple. All people are addicted by Apple's genial design. 'Apple's goods are intuitive!' Yes, they are usable and intuitive design. Apple simply makes their devices be more powerful and smart. You can imagine your website are going to be popular, when you install 'Apple Idea' - Usable and Intuitive.

From Current Knowledge to Target Knowledge This part is related to the purpose of intuitive website design. 'Current Knowledge' is what you understand while you walk up to the website. Hence any one who's tried Facebook before has an unique point on that line than one who's fresh new to it. 'Target Knowledge' is the knowledge someone needs in order to form an event on Facebook at the same situation. The space between 'Target Knowledge' and 'Current Knowledge' is known as the 'Knowledge Gap'. 'Knowledge Gap' is where we use intuitive design and make your website usable. We don't do the job before current knowledge, because they have learn. They don't need to learn further, hence there is no design work to do after target knowledge. Mainly work on the knowledge gap! Simply let visitors quickly understand your website. It is similar to learning how to use iPhone.

Simplify your Website There is no doubt that we desire to attain their task with the most effective process. Simple is different to minimalistic, but some people misunderstand about what simple is. The myth is that reducing the buttons, description or just making the website like a white paper is simplifying, it is nonsense. Frankly that others may be confused in this style of website. What is the real simple meaning to the website design? Build your website close to user's current knowledge. Depict the website as their frequently visited bookmarks.

Taking Observations from Users Observing your website visitors is one of direct solution to learn about their current knowledge. Discovering from their behavior where your designs are not capable to fit with current knowledge. Then you will have concept to simplify the website.

Have passion in developing your Website Design. It really is necessary to the design work. Analyze wonderful designs all over the world and gain knowledge from others. Let's get rid of the bad design!

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