Thursday, April 11, 2013

4 Practical Tips: Webpages

By Kevin Dalbeck

If you have a business, it will be good to have a website intentionally for it because it can be very rewarding when done right. There is a need to plan the website though before you embark on any step in order for you to maximize your rewards. It can a daunting task because it is complex at the same time you have to sift through all the concepts about web designing. You will be reading helpful tips on web design within the next few paragraphs.

1. Identify your goals.

When you plan, you must set clear and attainable goals so that you will know where to go to and your actions will be geared to that goal. You could set sales lead generation, to sell products, increase online presence or anything that you can think of and is appropriate for your business at this time. There is a need for it though to be aligned to what the mission statement of your business is. It is best to have quantifiable goals so that assessment on your strategies is easy. It could also be in terms of inquiries. It could also be looking in to ROI perhaps an ROI of 30% by two years time.

2. Ascertain your budget.

You can make websites that are simple or blogs without a fee meanwhile huge companies are willing to spend millions to get online presence. How much can you afford?

There is a need to establish a budget because it is a business endeavor. It is crazy to say you like to have a website without dealing with the budget consideration. Your budget will determine what your website will be like.

3. Be sure to get quotation.

In case you will hire professionals to do your website, it is wise to get quotes from several web designers so you can compare on the cost and services offered and from there you base your decision on who to hire. You can write down all you want in your website like who your target audience is, the features, completion date among many others. You can also list your needs in terms of support, training and even hosting.

Such a list is termed as "request for proposal". When you are done with your list, send the list to a number of web development companies for their costing. The more information you write on your RFP, the more accurate quote you can get.

Decide what your website should contain.

You have to prepare what your content is going to be. Remember that design will become secondary and the content is what will retain clients that is why it is very critical.

If you are not good in writing, you can always hire a copywriter to do the job. Choosing pictures can be tricky, you must have to eye for art and beauty.

Make sure you remember these tips.

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